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Histoires pour enfants -
Lili's Christmas

Lili's Christmas
  • Annie Poitras ILLUSTRATEUR
    Annie Poitras
  • Laure Allard-d'Adesky AUTEUR
    Laure Allard-d'Adesky

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Résumé :

Lili is a little girl that adores Christmas. With the snow, she can practice her favourite sports: sledging, skiing and ice skating. One day, when she was having fun, she heard a little wheep... at first, she ignored it, but she slowly became curious. So she starts searching for the source. Animated story, voiced by Aisha MP, 26 pages.

Les + de l'histoire :

A story that teaches children that sometimes, the best present that you can have is your family!

Noël, Cadeaux, Audio, Anglais, Audio

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